Shooting for Redemption
Marquis Poole and his journey for a comeback In 2011, Marquis Poole’s doctor diagnosed the then middle schooler with...
Sprinting to Triumph
The Indoor Track team puts in hard work and succeeds at meets Indoor track is in full-swing and the team is flying through meets. Preston...
Shooting Into 1000
Tamia Smith achieves 1000 points over her high school career. Tamia Smith, senior, reached a ginormous milestone during the basketball...
Skating Into the Championship
The 2017 Junior World Cup of Hockey proved to be one full of redemption for the USA The 2017 Junior World Cup of Hockey is an annual...
Sprinting into the Playoffs
The NFL Playoffs have finally arrived, bringing teams one step closer to the Super Bowl After a long and grueling season, the NFL...
Eric Deele Wrestles during Scrimmage
Eric Deele wrestled at a scrimmage at Warwick High on November 17, 2016.
2017 World Series Preview
The Chicago Cubs and Cleveland Indians play each other in the World Series this year. The Cubs have earned the spot because of the young...
Athletes of the Month: September
Seniors Ashley Muhich and Wil Marks both achieved the title athlete of the month for September. Muhich gains her recognition through the...