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Arms Preview: Nintendo Looks to Release Another Hit Title for the Switch

After the success of The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild and Mario Kart 8, Nintendo looks to expand their catalog of titles for the Switch by releasing a new fighting game for the system on June 16, called Arms.

The game revolves around flailing, spring-like fists that the player can send flying at their opponent. There is only online matchmaking available in the Testpunch, but there will be local co-op in the final game.

Before the launch of Arms, however, Nintendo has given Switch players a free preview of the game with a "Global Testpunch" event that is taking place this weekend, June 2-4. The first event took place last weekend and included three fighters and three modes. The next event is supposed to contain two new modes and fighters.

These events exist to build hype for the title, as well as test the game's servers. There are three hour-long sessions each day that open June 2 and run through 4. It is available via the Global Testpunch application, which is free on the Nintendo eShop now.

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