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About the Tiger Times

Tiger Times is the student operated newspaper for Tabb High School in Yorktown, Virginia. We cover news within our school and the surrounding area. Additionally, we report on Roving Reporter trips. The Roving Reporters are an extension of the Tiger Times newspaper staff. Students in the class volunteer for the reporting trips. These live reporting experiences are meant to simulate the actual job of a reporter, thus giving the students a real-world experience. After the trip, articles are posted on our homepage within the week. Previous Roving Reporter trips include Busch Gardens, Admirals Hockey, the Virginia Living Museum, the Poe Museum, the VIMS, and many more.

If you are interested in having us cover your business, please contact us. 


     The Tiger Times encourages students to voice their opinions through "Letters to the Editor." All letters must be signed and must not exceed 350 words. We reserve the right to correct grammar and punctuation to aid legibility. Comments, questions, or "Letters to the Editor" can be sent to (We reserve the right to edit or not print any letters to the editor.).

     The Tiger Times is written and published by the newspaper staff who is responsible for the content of the paper. Products and Services advertised by the Tiger Times do not necessarily express the opinions and views of the staff and Tabb High School.

     The York County School Division does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, age, or disability in its educational program or employment practices.

Meet Our Staff Members:

Mrs. Freyberger, Advisor

Graduate of Carnegie Mellon University and Christopher Newport University and a teacher for 15 years.  Hiking, reading, exercising, and traveling are among her favorite activities.

Abigail Adcox, Editor-in-Chef
Abigail Adcox, Editor-in-Chef

Abigail is a senior. She is a member of the Quill and Scroll Honor Society, NHS, NEHS, Tennis team, NSHS, Beta Honor Society, and the School of the Arts. Abigail plans to major in Journalism in college. She hopes to be a foreign correspondent one day, covering international affairs.

Haley Williams, Editor-in-Chief

Haley is a Junior. She is currently a member of Quill and Scroll Honor Society and the Beta Honor Society, and attends the New Horizons criminal justice program. Haley enjoys playing softball, and played on the JV team her freshman and sophomore year. In the future, she wishes to go to college for forensic science.

Malia Rosburg, Videographer & Staff Writer

Malia is a Junior. She enjoys watching Netflix, going to concerts, and getting sunburned at the beach. In the future, she aspires to go to college in California and pursue a job in broadcast journalism. 

Becca Booth, Photographer & Staff Writer

Becca is a Junior. She played on the JV Softball team and was the starting 3rd basemen. She enjoys snowboarding in the winter and sleeping in the summer. She hopes to attend college and play softball as well. Along with that, she wants to pursue a career in the criminal justice field.                        

Taylor Carr, Sports Editor

Taylor is a Junior. She is  the starting goalkeeper for the Girls Varsity Soccer team. She enjoys going to the beach and to concerts. One of her all time favorite places to visit is Disney World. In the future, she hopes to go to college and major in science. 

Becky Vick, Entertainment Editor

Becky Vick is a Junior. She's a member of Mu Alpha Theta, French Honor Society, Tri M Band Honor Society, Beta Club, Relay for Life, and Model UN. She also plays the trombone in the jazz band, symphonic band, and the competition and half-time marching bands at Tabb. She aspires to pursue a career in the medical field and use her skills to be a missionary. 

Margie Dillman, Student News Editor

Margie Dillman is a Junior. She has lived in Yorktown since birth, but she plans to go to the University of Virginia. After college, she wants to complete medical school and join Doctors Without Borders.

Staff Writers

Tate Padro

Tate was born in Lakenheith, England. He's previously lived in Belgium, Italy, Germany, and more recently Virginia. He interested in pursuing sports broadcasting or recruiting/coaching position with a College football team.

Hope Matthews

Hope Matthews is a Junior. Outside of school she sings, dances, and competes on a dance team. Hope loves to write and may consider journalism later in life. One of Hope's goal is to travel to all seven continents. Currently, she's been to three.      

Hita Abedin

Hita Abedin is a Junior. She has lived in Yorktown all her life, but enjoys traveling. She plans on joining Model UN and Relay For life over the course of the school year. She enjoys sleeping in, eating good food, painting, listening to funky music, and playing the piano. She aspires to become either a Psychiatrist or Clinical Psychologist one day.

Schuyler Jurewicz

Schuyler Jurewicz is a junior. She is a member of Beta club, Mu Alpha Theta, Spanish Honor Society, Scholastic Bowl, and Club Earth. Schuyler has played for the Girls Varsity Soccer team since freshman year, and enjoys staying active. On the other hand, she loves ice cream and watching reality TV. 

Michelle Sterling

Michelle Sterling is a Junior. She is a forward on the Girls' Varsity Soccer team, and also enjoys traveling and going to the beach. Michelle loves dogs, crime and medical TV shows, Virginia Tech, and movies.

Jack Lewis

 Jack Lewis is a staff writer at Tiger Times and doesn’t have much else going for him. In his spare time, Jack enjoys watching movies and television, as well as talking about them to whoever will listen. He hopes to be a film critic, while producing his own films. 

Madeline White

Madeline White is a Junior who enjoys watching TED Talks. She likes to write and is aspiring to be an author one day. She has a loveable dog named Happy and a moody cat named JoJo.

Jackson Pettitt

Jackson Pettitt is a Junior and has been a Virginia resident all his life. He would like to travel the world and learn about other cultures. His interests include film and music, along with reading. 

Seth Yarnell

Seth Yarnell is a Senior. He enjoys reading and hopes everyone likes what he writes. He also has a dog named Taco and a Fish named Tuna.

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