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Alien: Covenant Review

The Alien franchise as a whole has been considered one of the biggest science fiction franchises in Hollywood for almost three decades. After Prometheus in 2012, fans of the Alien franchise were desperate for the series to return to its horror roots, and Alien: Covenant seemed to finally give fans what they wanted. This sixth entry in the franchise is an incredibly important one for fans of the series. Sadly, Alien: Covenant leaves the series worse off than it was before.

The movie suffers glaring issues, such as underdeveloped characters and gaping plot holes. On the other hand, the retro sci-fi art style the series is known for is still present and as pleasing as ever, and the special effects are superb. The plot, however, manages to both feel rushed and painfully drawn out at the same time and distracts from the visual splendor that is occurring on screen. Alien: Covenant is average for the diehard Alien fans but would still be considered a good sci-fi horror outing for the average viewer.

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