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Senior of the Month: December, Eric Cook

The month of December has come and gone, and took the senior of the month, Eric Cook, along with it. Cook was recognized by the board for his participation in all areas of school, ranging from clubs to sports. Throughout his high school career, Cook has been active in clubs such as National Honor Society, Rho Kappa, Beta Club, Thespians, and Key Club. In addition to these clubs, Cook is also a member of the lacrosse team. No stranger to the spotlight, Cook has been chosen before by the American Legion along with two other students to promote youth involvement in the government. Cook's favorite class is AP Calculus and Mr. Olivo said, "Probably one of my hardest working, and most consistently positive students," referring to Cook.

Q. What is your favorite color?


Q. What community services do you do?

Landscaping or whatever opportunity I get to help out.

Q. Are you going to college?

Yes, the Naval Academy.

Q. Why the military?

I'm surrounded by it, I want to be a part of it, and I want to see the world.

Q. What places do you want to see?

Germany and Russia.

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