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Senior of the Month: November, Jessie Meyers

During her high school career, Jessie Meyers participated in multiple clubs and played field hockey all four years. Through her involvement in extracurriculars, Meyers learned many lessons that will help in her future such as the ability to make big decisions and leadership skills.

Q: How does it feel being named Senior of the Month?

A: It's really an honor to represent our class even if it's just for a month. Knowing that I have made enough of a difference that people noticed, is humbling, and it's cool to be able to see that you have done as much as the other seniors of the month.

Q: What have you done to get attention from students and staff to be named senior of the month?

A: I really enjoy being involved, being in SCA, and influencing decisions by being involved in clubs and taking leadership actions. Being involved in sports and being a leader in field hockey helped not only the selection as senior of the month, but I also learned valuable lessons.

Q: Do you plan to go to college? If so, which college?

A: Yes, to the University of Virginia.

Q: What do you plan to major in?

A: Public policy or political science

Q: What do you want to do after College?

A: I don’t know exactly what I want to do, but I want to be involved in a non-profit organization. Such as working with women's healthcare and the government by making sure all the laws passed are not taking away women's rights.

Q: Do you have any advice to survive senior year?

A: Don’t stress, even if you are taking hard classes, you are going be gone soon and this is your last year to spend with your friends and teachers - just have fun and work hard.

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