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Bethel Baptist Church Rehearses For Annual Easter Play Production

Members of the church are coming together to present the Gospel in a creative way.

For the past several years, Bethel Baptist Church has been presenting the gospel through a dramatic musical presentation around the time of Easter. This year, the church is continuing this tradition through the newest rendition titled, All I have is Christ. The opening date of the presentation is April 13, and the last date will be on the April 15. All I have is Christ will take audiences on a journey to experience everything from Jesus' miracles to his crucifixion.

The church has already been hard at work to make this production possible. Auditions were hosted at the end of January and rehearsals for the orchestra and drama team are occurring weekly. Many people are involved in the making of this Easter production, this includes teens, not just from Tabb, but from all different schools in the surrounding area. Closer to April, the church will be transforming the sanctuary into a stage replicating Jerusalem.

Even those who are not religious will be able to enjoy wonderful music produced by the church's orchestra and choir and have the pleasure of viewing passionate actors tell the story of Jesus.

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